Category Classes

Week 12: Animated Banner Ads

“If you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen”

–Conan O’Brien

Week 12 | Overview

Animated Banner Ads

A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server...

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Week 3: Web Design Process

Homework | Week 2 |  Review

  1. In your account tag three Web Sites that focus on ux design, ui design, the box model, HTMLCSS or anything we learned in class today, and write a note in the Delicious comments section about why you think each one would be a good resource for this class...
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Week 4: WordPress CMS

Week 4 | Overview

Design, Sustainability, Change from Maria Popova on Vimeo. A Little Inspiration.

Mobile Ap...

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Week 2: HTML/CSS Pt. 2-UX/UI Design

 “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Week 2 | Overview

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Week 1: Intro to Interactive Multimedia Design

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while...

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