1. Non-profit organization is an official non-profit as defined by the IRS, and must be listed at www.guidestar.org.
  2. Design for Social Good reserves the right to deny any application for any reason.
  3. Web visitors will vote on which non-profit organizations will become the top two entrants vying to win a free website. Design for Social Good staff will determine the final winning non-profit. Appeals will not be entertained.
  4. The website will be built on a WordPress backend, an open source content management system.
  5. The new website must be used as the non-profit’s corporate website.
  6. Non-profit organization will abide by the Project Timeline and provide Design for Social Good with all content including text, images, videos and links within predetermined time period.
  7. Non-profit organization understands that Design for Social Good will not provide any content entry beyond the initial structure of the site and the homepage.
  8. Copy writing and logo design services are not included in the scope of work.
  9. Design for Social Good will not host non-profit websites. The winning organization must provide for its own domain name and pay for its hosting provider.